Belt Replacement In Dorchester Massachusetts
There are three main belts that a car uses that may need belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts. When one is looking at the belts that most cars have would include the serpentine belt, the timing belt, and the V-belt. Depending on the type of care that you have will depend on which of the belts that you might need to deal with. There are manufacturing suggested times that these will need belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts. One should be familiar when they are suggested but should understand that wear and tear on the belts may require them to be changed earlier. Knowing each of these belts will help you determine what belt needs repaired or replaced and when.
The first belt that you will want to look at for belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts would be the serpentine belt. This belt is found in a number of vehicles and depending on the make and model of your car will determine what the serpentine belt runs. There are some vehicles that use the serpentine belt for running all of their accessories while other cars use the serpentine belt to drive different devices in the engine such as the alternator, power steering, air pump, and air conditioning compressor. Each serpentine belt should have a manufacture recommended schedule for belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Some say every 30,000 to 40,000 miles some are more and some are less. You should make sure that when you are getting a tune up or scheduled maintenance check that you have them check the belts at the same time to ensure that they are working properly.
The next belt that we are going to look at would be the timing belt. The timing belt is there to connect the camshaft and the crankshaft there are some vehicles out there that use the timing belt to drive the oil and water pump or a balance shaft. This means that when you need belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts for the timing belt you will want to do it as soon as possible. As most parts in a car the exact time that the timing belt needs belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts depends on the manufacture and the wear and tear on the car. Usually the timing belt needs replaced between 60,000 and 105,000 miles but one should make sure that if your car is not driving properly get it checked out right away.
The last belt that you will need to know about when you are looking at belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts would be the V-belt. The V-belt often drives accessories and there are generally a number of V-belts used when one has them in their car. Many people will refer to this belt as a fan belt. When looking at when you will need to have belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts done with a V-belt you will need to make sure that you have your manual available. Each car is different so there are a number of different sizes that could possibly work with your car. The average mileage that one would need to replace the v-belt would be about 36,000 miles again this is dependent on the make and model of your car as well as the manufacturer of the v-belt.
The key to ensuring that the belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts is not needed is to make sure that you are getting regular tune ups and making sure that they are checking the belts during the tune up. You will also want to make sure that you are getting regularly scheduled maintenance checks done at the proper intervals. You will also want to make sure that you pay attention to the recommended mileage that each of the belts should be changed out. There are some out there that make sure that they keep track of all these items to help reduce the chance of a unexpected need for a belt replacement in Dorchester, Massachusetts. There are a number of other belts that are in vehicles and knowing when to have them replaced and looked at will reduce the chance of your car breaking down on the side of the road because a belt went out.